Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The long walk to Loboche via the KONGMALA PASS

We started out about 4700 meters top out at the pass 5530. This was another one of jIm's speciality walks Up and down all day until we reached the peak.

It was a pretty day with about 2 inches of snow on the ground which kept the dust down.

which we reached the top we sat there for almost an hour to fully get our acclimation then we had 3000 ft straight down walk to the bottom.

Then we went back to Jim's glacier climbs of up down 100 to 200 ft at a time to finally reach home at 5000 meters

It was a solid 7 hour ( 6 hour walking) and we all felt good and healthy and we was back at the Eco Lodge. What a better place than the night before. Inside toilet at night and a real toilet

I know it doesn't seem much t you guys but life's little comforts are really missed up here.

It snowed again lasts night and it was unbelievable to see the mountains this morning.

Health is still good for all of us.


  1. Steve, so glad you had a great hike to base camp!I know you are glad to be there and have your home base set up. Great to see Wally and other friends I am sure . Hope you had a nice dinner and visit with friends.
    We made it to the beach and Grace Elizabeth and Mary Frances are so excited my Mother let them bring their puppies for the first time. Not crowded at all and perfect Spring break weather. Wish you could be with us. Lots of love...

  2. You seem to be in good mood and good health
    i like to hear that
