Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The "Smoking Walk to Base Camp"

Jim " the Dozer" was surly going to show Martin and I that though he might be Fat(according to Jenny) he certainly was capable was making Martin and I hoof and poof a bit today,

We left home expecting a 6 hour walk to base camp and Jim had us there from Loboche in 4 hrs and 15 mins.We only stop once when i was bitching that I wanted something to drink so Jim gave 3 mins. what a nice guy.

We made it here and I finally am in my new home for the next month. It is not too bad a place as i have to look at the Ice Fall whenever i open my tent. I guess someone wants me to meet my insecurities right from the start.

we saw Wally when we came into camp and had a coke with him and he gave over to visit with us later. He was great seeing old mountain friends.

We are very close to many of our friends so we should have a good time over the next 30 days.

I am looking forward to sleeping in my home tonight and as you can see i am @ 17500 ft and I am working an my Internet just like I was home in BKK.

we will have our (PUJA)with our team and all of our Sherpa's to bless us with safety on the mountain and attend an open house for a museum for David Bershears which is a famous Everest photographer.

so we will be busy tomorrow.

Tonight is cold about freezing and it will continue to drop more tonight and probably more snow.

Thanks for all the comments and following sorry I am so many personal things but I want to keep this and remember what was happening in my life when i reread this when I get old.

1 comment:

  1. I live on everest with you ... Your blog is really a good book for dreaming
    best wishes for the followings days
