Friday, April 16, 2010

Personal updates april 16th

Guys please give Jim a break about his blog He is busy getting the camp set up with communications. He will be back on line in the next couple days with many good pictures which I cannot post due to line speed.
I appreciate all the comments that the blog has generated and I welcome more in the future.( it does give me confidence to keep this adventure going) I am amazed at who the people are who following this story as it is some new friends and some old friends. Thanks
Corwin – I hope you and family are doing well. Good to see you following
Sylvia- thanks for the comments
Ashley – I appreciate all of the positive support that you have given over the past few weeks. I know you have been busy traveling with your friends (wedding) and family (girls, dogs and mother) over this period but you have always been able to give positive comments to help me keep going. I hope you have great week on the gulf just taking some time off. I sure hope the deal on the house works out for you. I look forward to seeing you again when I return to the US.
See- glad to see you joined in I hope you and family are doing well. XOXO
K Bee and K Nui- Be careful traveling in Korea and back to Bangkok. Miss you both can’t wait to see the pictures and see what you bought K Steve.
Glenn Thx mate
Sorry if I missed some of you but I appreciate all of them
I tried to post some pictures last night but the internet is running too slow maybe I can get them to download in the next couple of days. I want you all to see the ceremony, my home and the day in the ice fall.


  1. Steve,

    Your Mom and Dad wanted me to tell you they are having trouble with their internet. Jean said she had not been in touch with you for four days. She wanted me to let you know what the trouble is (was)? I am reading all I can about Mr. Everest. Stay warm.

    Sylvia McConnell

  2. Steve, listen to Jim and try to eat what he tells you! We want and need to keep the strong Steve strong and healthy! I can't imagine what would taste good, but just remember your body and mind need and deserve it! Lots of love...
